think you don't have time to exercise? think again, you don't have time not to

My dad, Mark Kristjanson, with my daughter, Jacy, at the Coca Cola Factory this past Summer

My dad, Mark Kristjanson, with my daughter, Jacy, at the Coca Cola Factory this past Summer

My dad is amazing! He is going to turn 80 in January and he is celebrating by moving from Atlanta to Utah - why? So he can hike more! He got a commercial truck driver's license a few years back so he can deliver food and other goods to those in need in rural Alabama. He travels frequently to participate in family celebrations in all parts of the United States and to take in the amazing scenery in our beautiful country. He is living the dream retirement we all want, having the health and the resources to really enjoy the things he loves, to travel, and to serve others. So, how did he do it?

I would like to say my dad had all the time in the world to take care of himself, but that's clearly not the case. He and my mom raised 7 kids on a teacher's income supplemented by a side business, and he also helped his parents with ad hoc work on their real estate holdings in downtown San Diego. He managed to pay for piano lessons, cars, and college educations while coaching little league and actively serving in church as well as the Boy Scouts of America. As kids we were well-traveled, going on 4-5 week trips every other Summer. Sounds both exhausting and miraculous at the same time.

If anyone had the excuse of not having time take care of himself, it would have been my dad. However, this never slowed him down. Before it was fashionable, he was eating whole grains, supplementing with vitamins, laying off the sodas, growing his own fruits and vegetables, and focusing on lean animal protein. I also remember him exercising in the mornings, getting up early to do old school calisthenics such as jumping jacks, lunges, push-ups and toe touches. Growing up, I thought the only person more fit than my dad was Jack LaLanne. 

We, too, go through times in our lives when our time is not our own. If our lives are anything like my dad, this can go on for decades. Making the time to take care of ourselves is tough, but a little bit completed on a consistent basis can go a long way. 15 minutes a day equates to almost 8 hours in the gym over the course of a month, 30 minutes a day equates to about 15 hours in the gym over the course of a month. You can do it! Here are some of my "go to" resources when my time is not entirely my own.

1. - These girls, Karena and Katrina, are so up-beat and make you feel  like you really want to go for it! I learned about them from my doctor who works out with them every morning. They have a phone app so I am easily able to find a quick workout while I am traveling. They specialize in more advanced movements that work multiple muscle groups at a time. They are not going to baby you with form, so this may not be the best choice if you are a fitness novice. Here are my 3 favorite workouts with Tone It Up:

2. Denise Austin time saving workouts on the BeFit on youtube channel - Okay, now I am dating myself, but this girl still has it and you have to admit, she is amazing! Something I always appreciate about Denise Austin is her ability to communicate exactly what you need to do in order to get the best results. BeFit has worked with Denise and her team on a 10 minute workout series that is really great, and I also count on some of her yoga routines to keep my body in balance. See some of my favorites below:

  • Denise Austin: Yoga Cardio Burn Workout (20 minutes) - This is a great workout that gets your heart pumping while giving you a good yoga stretch. This is my go to when I am working from home and I just have 30 minutes to step away for a lunch break and want to get moving!
  • Denise Austin: Power Yoga Workout (21 minutes) - I have been doing this workout a couple of times a week for years, now, and it's my "go to" when I need to relieve tension and wind down before bed time. I truly believe one of the keys to longevity is spine health, and this is a great well-rounded intermediate yoga routine to get you started.
  • Fat Burning Cardio Strength with Denise Austin (10 minutes) - BeFit has a whole 10 minute series and this one is a favorite! This is another good one to get your heart pumping when you have had a long day in the car or too much time at your desk. It's also great paired with other 10 minute workouts for a well-rounded work out.

3. Autumn Fitness with Autumn Calabrese - This girl is nothing short of amazing! She has many workouts under 10 minutes when you are really stressed for time, or for when you want to combine different targeted workouts for an overall body sculpting session in 30-40 minutes. Autumn also has a series for moms-to-be or new moms to encourage your body to bounce back! Combine any of these with her 3 Minute Core Workout and you will want to call it a day! Here are my favorites:

 I know some amazing people out there who take such GREAT care of themselves! My sister, Lori, is beautiful and runs half marathons and as does one of my co-workers, Merilee. For those of you out there engaging in this level of fitness, you inspire me!

Follow me on Twitter and I will share my daily workouts with you over the coming weeks. I hope we can stay fit together! @DanaRandF