you got inspiration

Seeking out inspiration to fuel our hope is critical. Human beings do not cope with loss very well. Whether its the loss of a loved one, the loss of a cherished dream for our future, or the loss of a relationship it can be devasting. We all will and should go through a period of mourning while we cope with disappointment. Being creatures of hope, hope dashed is the greatest challenge of all. Once we hit bottom, what fuels us to get back up? How is hope restored?

When we are at the bottom and there is no where to look but up, this is often the turning point we need to let go of who we thought we could be, and embrace the wonder of who we were destined to be! A quote I love is from Dieter F. Uchtdorf: 

rise up and become the person you were destined to be

It's simple but I love it. Sometimes in life we think we are winning when everything is going our way. We seemingly are controlling every outcome. We are forging our path. This glass house ultimately shatters as it is often largely reliant on the choices of others.

As we let go of "control" and open our minds and our hearts to what could be, this is when we will at last be all that we CAN be!