you got beauty

How do you define beauty? When you think of someone who is beautiful, what is it that makes them beautiful? When you feel beautiful, why do you feel beautiful? These answers are not going to be the same for everyone.

Life was meant to be beautiful. Beautiful ladies to me include Mother Theresa, Audrey Hepburn, and Princess Diana. They are all beautiful to me for very different reasons.

We can always spend time inflating our faults which have the tendency to build over time, or we can focus on the best we have to share, the best we have to give, and yes, let's be honest, the best that we can look at any given time! 

Here are three things we will be writing about in the coming weeks on this site:

1. look beautiful by looking for the beauty around you

Have you ever looked into someones eyes and knew that they were seeing the best in you? Isn't that person beautiful? What about people who are always positive, looking for the most beautiful things around them? I currently live in South Beach...THE South Beach. It can take discipline to keep a positive outlook, but even focusing on the simplest things help me feel more beautiful. Am I seeing a child misbehaving in the grocery store or laundry mat, or respecting how difficult it is to have a 2 year-old with you when you have so much to do? Am I hearing the music or just smelling the smoke? Do I see the amazingly beautiful water or the crowded beach? My outlook impacts my own perception, as well as the perception of those closest to me regarding my own inner beauty. Look for beauty, and your beauty will project to others. A kind smile to that mom, a nod to the musician, and having a crystal clear focus on that amazing water helps to lift myself and those around me. 

2. don't be afraid to see the best in yourself and to let it shine

Let's be honest, especially women who are reading this, how we feel we look really plays out in our confidence to succeed. It is so interesting to recognize people who are so confident and centered that it minimizes any faults that would normally be in the forefront. What is beautiful about you? What attracts others to you? Let it shine. Feel great about yourself. Don't give up. I grew up in California when there was one definition of beauty and her name was Barbie! Nobody was more surprised than me than when I moved to New York City that so many men found me attractive. It's sad I went for 28 years not appreciating that I had beautiful eyes, a great smile, and an energetic style. Appreciate yourself today for some day you will look back and wish you had!

3. establish a personal brand and stick with it

What is your style? For me, a great pair of jeans with heels and a really simple blouse in a bold or dark color is my "go to" outfit for going out with my husband. I like solid colors and keep my closet to a limited spectrum of them. Do I have great style? Definitely not to everybody. I appreciate the variety of people around me. This lady at my church has an awesome Bohemian look. Another cute lady I know is a "surfer mom" and I love how she looks all the time. Assess yourself, think of what you want people to count on when they see you, what you want to project, and build around that. It's fun. It's persistent. It's something that only you can be which is YOU.

Looking forward to expanding on this topic and further realizing and recognizing that we are all beautiful will lead to the confidence to open the doors to fuel your dreams!